Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Christine's Last Night

Tonight was definitely bittersweet. Christine, our friend that we've grown to know here in Ghana, who is ironically enough from Elon University (about 30 minutes or so from Chapel Hill, where I go), went home for good on Sunday.

She unfortunately contracted both Malaria and some sort of parasite while being here and was in too much pain and discomfort to function, let alone attend classes. She decided that it would be best for her to go home, so she did so. That is the bitter part.

The sweet part came from the fact that the night brought all of us together, in a time of reunion, celebration, and remembrance of the past 3 or so months of our time in Ghana. It was such an unusual thing to think that this was the beginning of many sad goodbyes, and that before long, all of us would be on "that flight" en route to America...I cannot believe how time is flying by.

Of course we went out for Indian food and of course I made sure that we documented the night with many photos. The picture of us licking our hands is of us partaking in the Indian tradition of consuming Anise seeds. (FYI: Christine is the blond in the tie-dye t-shirt.)

1 comment:

  1. anise seeds! There common to eat after meals especially in Indian culture because they cleanse your palate. My madre here in Argentina LOVES them and frequently snacks on them after dinner... do you like them? I'm not to fond of them myself actually. She also has a type of vodka or some kind of alcoholic drink made from them which tastes a lot like the seeds and is gross/weird also haha! miss you roomie! hope you're having fun! can't wait to see you soon!
