Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Virtual Classroom.

Yesterday, I FINALLY got to "meet" Ms. Dalimonte's 3rd grade class in Jacksonville, NC--and it was all done VIRTUALLY. It was an experience that I will never forget.

We met at 2:00 EST (which is 6:00pm in Ghanaian time), through Skype. For the first 30 minutes, or so, it was more of "Radio-show time with Carly in Ghana", as we had difficulty configuring the video cameras on both ends. But, toward the end of our session, the video cameras worked and I got to see "my class" for the first time! The kids are so cute. I just love them all, already. As soon as they saw my face appear on the screen, it felt like a wave of joy and excitement swept across their classroom. The smile on my face grew ever so widely, and I grew contagious with laughter, as I watched the children squeeze in front of the camera, each hoping to be seen all the way across the Atlantic Ocean.

The students had prepared questions for our "conference", each of them introducing themselves before reading his/her own question. Here are some of the questions they asked:
1) Do Ghanaians have a choice to shave their heads?
2) Do they wash their hair? (This one was apparently asked because of the noted water shortage)
3) What exactly IS grass-cutter?
4) Do you like playing soccer with the kids?
5) Are the monkeys trained to peel the bananas?
6) How do you eat fufu? (Haha, good question)
7) Are there TVs in Ghana?
8) Is it windy, or is it always hot?
9) What kind of food do you eat besides fufu?
10) Do the children get report cards there?
11) What is the population in Ghana? Is Accra crowded?
12) Do you have A/C?
13) Do you read books for your classes there?
14) How rare is it to see a whirling rainbow/sunbow?

The students asked some very creative questions, some even stumped me! Thank you, class, and please, keep the questions coming.

Mrs. Dalimonte told me that her class was going to cook "banana-chocolate chunk pancakes" with peanut butter, on Friday, as a part of their cooking lesson. The kids might even get to try goat meat soon, as one of the parents has a connection (crazy, I know!). I think that this sort of integrated learning is SO exciting.

I gave the class a challenge: to try to brainstorm and come up with the 10 countries in that world that are 4 letters long (this is something that we did to pass time one day here in Ghana).

Mrs. Dalimonte encouraged her students to write letters to Mary and Sarah, and hopefully Mary and Sarah will be able to correspond with the class. Cathy told me she would take a photo of her 3rd grade class, so I can post it on my blog. Check back soon! I look forward to meeting with all of you next week.

Until then, Medase (thank you, in Twi)!


  1. Hi Carly,
    We had a great time talking to you and seeing you! We did cook on Friday, but it was not your pancakes - it was "Groundnut"-butter (Peanut butter) candy. We will have to get a good burner/griddle and make the pancakes with you when you visit :) We are looking forward to more chats - thank you for being a great inspiration and role model for my class!
    Cathy Dalimonte

  2. Hi Carly,
    Just went over this blog entry and the students had a few more questions.

    Reagan wants to know if you had to teach the kids volleyball or did they already know how to play?

    Michael wanted to let you know that the class actually saw a faint whirling rainbow when they went to PE Wednesday.

    Satchel - Is the computer cafe usually crowded when you are there?

    Jalen & Michael - How far is Mary and Sarah's school from you and what is the name of the school?

    Orianna - What other kind of animals do they have there besides monkeys? We are going to compare ourselves to the animals in Ghana and we have a list, but wondered what you might have seen.

    Kayla - You mentioned that Mary and Sarah have to wear uniforms - what do they look like? We have to wear uniforms at our school this year.

    Nautica - How often do you eat fufu?

    Rita - Do they have swimming pools or a place you can go swimming?

    Emily - Do they have any clothing stores?

    All - Is there any fast food restaurants like McDonald's; Burger King?

    Mrs. Dalimonte - I am a big collector of Coca-Cola - do you see that sold there and if so, does it look (and taste)any different than what we are used to in the US?

    Michael - What season is it there? Do they have the seasons like we do in NC?

    We will continue tomorrow - bells about to ring.

    Mrs. Dalimonte's 3rd grade class
