Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chocolate-chunk banana pancakes (with peanut butter).

Becca, our friend from Arizona who goes to school in California, and Callie, who is in our program, had a brilliant idea for breakfast this morning: chocolate-chunk banana pancakes.

It turns out, as you might have noticed by reading any prior blog entries, that Ghana has an EXTREMELY limited food palette. By "limited", I mean narrow, monotonous, same-o same-o, usual. And in Ghanaian terms, I mean fufu, banku, jollof rice, or red-red (TOPS, given that one of those options is not already "finished" for the day).

This means that we have resorted to all sorts of crazy food-concoctions and rather strange ingenuity (like roasting marshmallows over a crusted, rusty kitchen burner, pretending to be making s'mores---sadly enough, I'm serious, but we'll save that story for a rainy day). So, Becca and Callie bought some pancake mix at a drugstore, while McKenzie and I picked up a few items from the night market--12 mangled chicken eggs, 6 bananas (probably just picked off of a tree), and 2 bars of Ghanaian chocolate (which doesn't compare to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory chocolate, but it's chocolate nonetheless).

We woke up bright and early, stirring batter, grating chocolate (thank you Callie), slicing bananas, and scrambling eggs (Kenz is a pro). We switched between kitchens, running up and down the stairs, from floor to floor, trying to utilize the heat from the hottest burners, as we improvised using forks as our spatulas.

Becca and Callie carefully decorated the batter circles with bananas and chocolate pieces, frying them to a perfect golden-brown. I topped mine off with some honey crunch peanut butter...mmmm. It was probably THE most delicious breakfast that I have had since we've been in Ghana.

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