Thursday, September 11, 2008



The last few days or so have been a little...rough.

Last night, I came down with a blazing, HOT fever--and just as I was hoping to cool off, a wave of freezing cold chills sailed across my spine. I was literally chattering my teeth uncontrollably, as I wrapped myself up tightly in my Carolina blanket. Under my blanket, I squeezed my knees in towards my chest, hoping I could numb the aching pains in my joints. After I had curled up for about an hour, I broke out in pouring, hot sweats. It wasn't fun.

Fever, chills, aching joints, hot sweats--all of the perfect indications that one has Malaria...

I could not believe it. I take my Malarone every night and still coat myself in bug spray from head to toe every morning and night. How could it be malaria?

But, I even had "the bitter taste" in my mouth that Ghanaians claim is one of the biggest signs of Malaria. I raced all around the hostel, consulting Ghanaians, "South African Sarah" (who just got Malaria last weekend), and anyone else that could offer advice to see what I should do.

After making a late-night phone call last night to our program director, I decided to go to the clinic this morning for a Malaria blood-test. And yes, I forgot to mention that I have an incredibly crazy fear of blood. South African Sarah, however, convinced me that the sooner you are tested, the sooner you will be treated, so I took Jack's wisdom on "Lost" (just started watching Season 1--it's amazing), and I counted-"One, Two, Three, Four, Five"--no fear. And it turns out, it was only a measly blood prick test--thank goodness.

McKenzie and I watched "Lost" on her portable DVD player, as I anxiously awaited the results, sitting in the waiting room for over an hour. When they called my name, the receptionist handed me an envelope, and said, "Mam, here are your results." It was one of the strangest things. In the envelope, in my hands, awaited my answer. My results. Would it be Malaria? And if so, what strain/strength?

I quickly opened the little white envelope, and in print it simply said in all CAPS, "NO MALARIA PARASITES SEEN." I was relieved, and I smiled at ease.

Total Bill: $6.25


  1. Thank goodness no malaria, but how do you explain your other symptoms and did they go away? If you don't feel better in a day or two, I would go back and get tested again.

    Glad you are being proactive on your health!

    Here's a hug for you and Kenz both!

    Love you!

  2. Hi Carly,
    Called your Mom the other day to see how you and Colin are doing. She told me about your website and I am in awe with your photography you really capture the person. I have enjoyed your blogging you have a way of making you feel that you are there...minus the bugs! I have passed on your website for others to read.
    You are a brave and inspirational woman. Know that we are thinking and praying for you in Wisconsin
    Kristine (Arianna's Mom)
